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Post Up & Re-Cover for Tonic Gallery

Tonic Gallery 2013 operated in just one format – the LP-sized art. We asked talented and generous artists to rethink, reimagine, remake and remodel their favorite album covers. And it was glorious.

In 2014, we’re upping the ante. In addition to album-sized art, we’re inviting painters, designers, illustrators, photographers and more to submit pieces that replicate classic show poster dimensions.

Leslie Dolin's 2013 Tonic Gallery donation featured Dusty Springfield.
Leslie Dolin’s 2013 Tonic Gallery donation featured Dusty Springfield.

The heart of the matter:

  • All Tonic Gallery pieces will be 12″x12″ or poster-size art. We welcome all LP and poster redesigns, but will be extra thrilled with Velvet Underground, Fleetwood Mac, Nirvana  and Foof Fighters – and of course Lou Reed and Stevie Nicks, too — pieces.
  • Tonic Gallery artists have been fighting hunger one beautiful piece at a time since 2002. By donating art that gets sold at the Gallery, they make it possible for kids, adults and seniors to have nutritious meals.
  • And all we need are a few (or a few dozen) artists to step up and fight hunger.

Tonic Gallery pieces will be sold in a silent auction on the Friday before the Tonic Ball – November 14 from 6 to 9 pm at Well Done Marketing.

Are you an artist and/or graphic designer? Want to donate? Of course you do.

Get in touch with our gallery chair, Kirsten, today and we’ll make it a breeze for you to use your skills to fight hunger.