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It’s A Tonic Ten Preview Party!

Neon Love Life, rocking. As usual.

So you’ve heard the news: Tonic Ball is getting bigger than ever, with three stages of music in one great block of Fountain Square. You’ve heard we’re going to cover Michael Jackson, R.E.M., and David Bowie.

But you haven’t heard two of your favorite bands–Neon Love Life and Red Light Driver–covering those artists, have you? Now’s your chance. This First Friday in Fountain Square, August 5, we’re having a preview party to celebrate our tenth birthday at Radio Radio–and Neon Love Life and Red Light Driver are providing the entertainment.

Doors open at 6:30. Music starts around 7, and finishes early with a premiere of Neon Love Life’s new video, shot by our buddy and Tonic committee member Matt Mays. The show is free–but you’ll want to shell out a few bucks and hang around for the Kate Lamont show afterward.

Come early stay light. Enjoy all the First Friday fun. And buy your Tonic Ten tickets today!


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